Challenging conversations

Week two of the customer service initiative


Everyday wellbeing tips

Making small steps each day can help you traverse mountains.


Learn more about the art of communication

The elephant in the room

We can easily dance around a subject – known as the elephant in the room. In the long run this is not a helpful approach.

This webinar will focus on:

  • Facing the uncomfortable
  • The zone of uncomfortable debate
  • Managing ourselves and self-regulation

Karpman’s drama triangle

Sometimes we can find ourselves in difficult, chaotic or dramatic situations. The drama triangle helps us make sense of this, and how we could better contribute to the situation rather than add to the drama.

This webinar will focus on:

  • Rescuing versus supporting
  • Persecuting versus being assertive
  • Being a victim versus being vulnerable


How to have difficult conversations

Untangle your emotions from the subject matter. Acknowledge your responsibility. Define your goal/outcome.

How To Have Difficult Conversations | Mel Robbins


10 simple ways to step out of your comfort zone

1. Make discomfort your friend

Looking at discomfort as friend not foe can help you face the unknown.

2. Know yourself

Being self-aware is important because it will help you manage yourself as your emotions and you go through this experience.

3. See the positive side

Think of something from your past that you did that was outside of your comfort zone. In many cases those things that took us outside our comfort zone, were actually good for us because the developed us.

4. Learn from others

Take notice of others who are confident and readily leave their comfort zone, what can you learn from them.

5. Be a role model

Think about how your actions can influence others.

6. Do it anyway

If you wait until you feel confident and comfortable, you may never do it. The process of doing something that brings discomfort

7. Visualise

Once you’ve committed to doing something that may bring discomfort, close your eyes and visualise yourself doing it.

8. Set a goal

Set a SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timebound) goal. This could give you the boost you need to get out of your comfort zone.

9. Failure is okay

Sometimes the fear of failure can prevent us from going outside of our comfort zone. If you know that its okay to fail, and the failure could actually be positive you will be more likely to do the thing that is uncomfortable.

10. Feelings have functions

Often our feelings can disable us from acting. These feelings do have a function. The feeling associated with discomfort is fear. The function of fear is to prepare for the unknown. So, if that is so, think about ways you can prepare.

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