Concussion Service

Help to recover quickly and safely if you experience a head injury.

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If you're feeling unwell after a knock to the head, ask your doctor about our concussion service

If you think you may be at risk you should always seek urgent medical attention.

Our concussion service helps you recover quickly, minimising the impact on your normal activities and returning you to work and play as soon as possible.

Our concussion service includes:

  • Assessments
  • Access to treatment as required
  • Case management
  • Health education

Our highly qualified, experienced health professionals are committed to your recovery. They will provide you with information about:

  • Your recovery and rehabilitation process
  • Strategies to reduce and manage symptoms
  • Support available in your community

We understand every community in New Zealand is unique and our community rehabilitation services differ depending on your location. Find out which community rehabilitation support services we provide near you and get in touch with APM today.

Our service is funded by ACC and won’t cost you anything.

Don't put your health at risk

If you experience an injury, the first thing you should do is visit your health provider

This could be your doctor, local medical centre, emergency department or physiotherapist.

Our concussion service helps you recover quickly, minimising the impact on your normal activities and returning you to work as soon as possible.

We design a recovery plan to suit you. This can include working with your family, school or workplace to ensure you get the support you need for a fast and safe recovery. APM connects you with a team of health professionals who make your wellbeing the top priority.

Ask your GP or ACC Case Manager about APM today.

Physio assisting man with mobility exercise

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