Supporting your employees back to work following injury or illness
and reducing the impact of injuries on your business.

We can help get your employee back to work, and back to health, quickly and safely.
APM understands the personal and business impact that injury can have on a workplace.
Helping your employee to stay or make a fast return to work, can benefit their recovery and may reduce the financial impact to your business.
Our consultants are experienced in creating positive return to work processes and focus on guiding everyone to an agreed outcome quickly, to reduce any impact on the teams and working relationships in your business.
Get in touch today to find out how we can help your employee and your workplace recover safely and strongly.
Our experienced team is proud to be a national provider of ACC's Stay at Work and Return to Work Programmes.
As an employer you can refer eligible employees directly to APM for this service.
Alternatively you need help to support an employee with a health condition back to work, we can help. Submit your details below.
How can we help?
What to expect from the ACC Stay at Work Programme
Stay at Work is an early intervention rehabilitation programme funded by ACC to help injured people return to work safely, quickly and sustainably.
At APM we work with you, your employee and ACC to deliver a personalised plan.
To ensure a safe return to work, we work with your employee's treating health professionals to identify suitable duties and hours, alongside any necessary return to work guidelines.
With our proactive 'work first' approach and in-depth understanding of vocational rehabilitation, we are a preferred provider for many large national organisations.
It's also easy to access and you can make a referral directly to APM without preapproval from ACC.
When you refer to APM for this service we will:
- Confirm your employee’s eligibility.
- Meet with you and your employee at your workplace to complete and initial assessment.
- Work with you to your employee to develop a plan.
- Liaise with stakeholders for plan approval.
- Support your employees return to work.
If your employee can’t return to their job, we can help.
If an injury changes your employee's capacity to work in the same role, ACC may refer them to APM for a Back to Work Programme.
We work with you to assess your workplace and the required job tasks of your business to get a full understanding of the work being carried out.
We also assess your employee's functional capabilities and use a vocational assessment to determine what jobs they’re best suited for.
Together with you and your employee we look to see if other roles, or new roles, will work out within your organisation.
If this isn’t possible, we support your employee with finding suitable work with an alternative employer.