How to refer an injured worker to APM

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Do you know someone who has been injured at work?

If you’re supporting someone with a workplace injury or recovering from an illness or procedure, we can help get them back to work sooner

Our experienced and dedicated APM injury management and rehabilitation consultants can work with your community member and their employer to identify and remove any barriers to their return to work.

We identify any issues and help prioritise the support your member needs for a successful outcome for everyone.

Our consultants also work with the treating health professionals to identify medically appropriate duties and hours and any necessary return to work guidelines.

We have been helping people recover and return to work for more than 20 years. 

When you partner with us, the health and wellbeing of the person you’re supporting is our main priority.

Our APM WorkCare teams help your community member receive the support they need, whether it is at work or in the home.

If your community member cannot return to their pre-injury role or another role in their current workplace, we work with all parties to find a suitable job with an alternative employer. 

Let us help members of your communities overcome barriers to get back to work, back to health and back to life. 

If you’d like to partner with APM WorkCare, please get in touch today. 

woman in a fluro vest holding a clipboard

Let’s get your injured community member back to work 

man and woman discussing

Referring someone you’re supporting to APM WorkCare is simple

The level and type of support plan our consultants set up is tailored to each person’s requirements.

Our consultant’s will get to know your community member and how their injury or illness impacts their daily life at home and at work. 

We continue to work with all parties to make sure you are updated on your member’s progress.

You will also be able to help shape any rehabilitation or return to work plans.

The best way to refer someone to APM is to fill in our referral form. [LINK]

You can also make a quick referral [LINK] and one of our consultants will be in touch within one working day to find out how we can help.

Let’s get to work. Refer your member to APM now. 

Access the best level of support for your job seeker

If you’re unsure which employment service would work better for your community member, don’t worry, we’re here to help

You can check your member’s eligibility for jobactive and Disability Employment Services with this simple guide.

Access to Disability Employment Services

Your job seeker doesn’t need to have a physical disability to be eligible for Disability Employment Services. 

They can access the program, if they:

  • have a diagnosed injury, illness or disability
  • are aged 14 to 65
  • are at or above the minimum legal working age in your state or territory
  • are able to work at least eight hours per week (with support when required)
  • are an Australian resident
  • are not studying full time (unless you’re an eligible school leaver)

Access to jobactive

Your community member will generally have access to the full range of jobactive services if they:

  • receive income support payments (such as Newstart Allowance, Youth Allowance, or Parenting Payment)
  • have mutual obligation requirements 

Job seekers may be eligible to volunteer for jobactive services if they:

  • are not on income support
  • are on income support and have no mutual obligation requirements
  • are not working or studying full time
  • have the right to work in Australia

If you’re worried your community member doesn’t meet any of the criteria, contact us to discuss other support options for job seekers.

If you’d like to partner with your local APM office, please get in touch today.

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tangata whenua allied health