Work first

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Better at work approach

Geoff Work First

Work has been recognised to have overall benefits for improved general health and wellbeing and reduce psychological stress.

It has been proven that long term work absence, and unemployment are harmful to a person’s physical and mental wellbeing and affects the individual’s wider family and whānau. This loss of work also influences a person’s self-esteem and identity.

An early return to work assists with rehabilitation and healing, including improving function and strength. In fact, the best place to build your capacity to work, is at work.

For this reason, we use a work-first approach, which means your APM Consultant will work with you and your employer to get you back into the workplace as soon as it is safe to do so. This means that you do not need to be fully recovered before returning to work.

Evidence shows that prolonged rest can be harmful. It can delay recovery, increase the risk of chronic pain, and adverse complications from prolonged inactivity. In most cases, it is important to move. Our bodies have been designed to move.

Moving promotes healing and recovery. A safe and supported return to work, will also promote healing and recovery.

There are also other benefits associated with an early return to work, these including: connecting with social supports and reducing isolation, providing a routine and structure to your day, financial security, and job retention, and improving emotional wellbeing.

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